MWD STD SAG is a free and open source standalone application for BHA sag correction based on the core of MWD STD Basic, a multi-user automated cloud platform. The front-end is built on Excel. All data is processed on the local machine. The application is distributed under AGPL3 license and is absolutely free for commercial use and redistribution.
MWD STD SAG utilizes a novel BHA deflection modeling approach based on energy minimization. The app provides similar results compared with major commercial softwares.
Key MWD STD SAG features:
- Open BHA deflection modeling algorithm
- Automatic calculation points of contact
- Improved reliability and stability of the algorithm
- Automatic quality control of the output
- Lightweight and simple UI

We also have free and commercial multi-user cloud survey management platforms, MWD STD Basic and MWD STD Advanced.