Stockhausen effect is the second major TVD error source. The reason of that error is insufficient survey frequency with regard to DLS performance of BHA. Several studies demonstrated the TVD error can exceed 7 meters1,2. That effect can dramatically affect geosteering and reservoir modeling1.
MWD STD allows to compensate that type of error. The platform provides high-definition trajectory in real time by utilizing fusion of continuous inclination (CI) measurement and static surveys. The fusion algorithm compensates for errors and noise of CI measurements and ensures high resolution definitive surveys.

1. Stockhause, E.J., Lesso, W.G.: “Continuous Direction and Inclination Measurements Lead to an Improvement in Wellbore Positioning”, paper SPE/IADC 79917
2. Stockhause, E.J., Smith, G.E., Peters, J.A., and Bornemann, E.T., 2003, “Flexible Well-path Planning for Horizontal and Extended-reach Wells”, in T.R. Carr, E.P. Mason, and C.T. Feazel, eds., Horizontal wells: Focus on the reservoir: AAPG Methods in Exploration No.14, p. 227-248