MWD STD Advanced

Survey Management System:
Precise Lateral Positioning
Precise TVD Positioning
Fully Automatic
Robust Design
Web UI & API
Ideal for RTOC
Perfect for Digital Rig
MWD STD Architecture

All Corrections into One Real-Time Automatic Workflow



Our platform provides the best accuracy for azimuth and inclination correction by utilizing solid stack of novel and unique algorithms. For example, we developed novel MSA method for azimuth correction, MWD –Gyro survey fusion algorithm, unique algorithm for declination uncertainty analysis, etc. Learn more…


MWD STD platform provides automation for the entire survey processing workflow. Geomagnetic reference calculation, survey filtering, MSA correction, sag correction, high-definition trajectory calculation, quality assurance, accuracy analysis, and survey program proposal are run with just one click. Learn more…


The platform services cover the full survey processing workflow: geomagnetic reference calculation, survey filtering, inclination and azimuth corrections, QC, and toolcode assignment. Also, it provides interfaces for data input, storage and management. Learn more…


Another main focus of our solution is robustness – the platform has been designed with the focus on minimization of incorrect input effect: noised data, human related errors, inaccuracy or incompleteness of the apriori models. Learn more…

We also have MWD STD MSA, a free standalone application for MSA correction, and MWD STD Basic, a free automated multi-user survey management platform.