MWD STD MSA is a free and open source standalone application for MSA correction based on the core of MWD STD Basic, a multi-user automated cloud platform. The front-end is built on Excel. All data is processed on the local machine. The application is distributed under AGPL3 license and is absolutely free for commercial use and redistribution.
MWD STD MSA utilizes the industry MSA approach and provides standard MSA correction accuracy. Novel MSA with improved accuracy is implemented in MWD STD Advanced only.
Key MWD STD MSA features:
- Improved algorithm reliability: enhanced stochastic solver
- Extended correction range: up to 12000 nT for mag biases
- Support of multiple MWD survey format: BKR, BKR inv, HAL, SLB, TENZOR
- Multiple geomag error models for MSA and QC: WMM, BGGM, HDGM, IFR1
- Automatic QC of MSA: data sufficiency, accuracy analysis, output control
- Flexible and powerful visualization of the correction result
- Optional misalignment correction for flex D&I modules

We also have free and commercial multi-user cloud survey management platforms, MWD STD Basic and MWD STD Advanced.